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Tourist terrified after his bungee cord snaps mid

Mar 07, 2023Mar 07, 2023

A tourist from Hong Kong has been slapped with a hefty medical bill after his nightmare bungee jump experience during his visit to Pattaya, Thailand. The tourist, named Mike, was sent plummeting into a lake after his bungee jump cord snapped mid-air.

Mike watched his friend make a successful jump as he waited his turn.

Then employees tied the thick cord to his feet before Mike made the jump from the edge of the crane.

However, after the man flew for about 30 metres, the wire attached to his ankles snapped only about five metres above the water.

He said he blacked out when he hit the lake below.

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Horrified onlookers thought the impact was fatal, however, after regaining consciousness a few moments later, Mike was able to swim to the surface.

The tourist was then rushed to the hospital as he told local media the fall left him feeling "dizzy".

However, once checked out, doctors reportedly said he was "fine" and released him from their care with some painkillers.

The tourist said he eventually demanded compensation from the jumping park for the traumatic experience but the park only offered to refund his ticket.

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They also offered to pay for his immediate medical bill of £190.

He was offended at the offer and declined it, branding it "unfair".

When Mike returned home to Hong Kong, he said he developed a lung infection which doctors discovered when conducting a CT scan, MRI and X-ray.

Mike says it is likely he caught this from accidentally swallowing dirty lake water or had acquired it from the concussion.

His medical bills, which came to about HK$50,000 (£5,230), were covered by travel insurance.

He said the park offered him only HK$2,300 (£241).

Mike told hk01: "The pain was so intense that I felt dizzy. As my arms were stretched out, my armpit area was the worst hit."

Mike said he has tried contacting the bungee jumping company since the accident in February, as well as the Tourism Authority of Thailand, but to no avail.

In an email he wrote: "My friends and I have suffered losses due to the accident, including changes to our travel plans, my injury and my suffering, and the time and income lost from constant check-ups and treatments after returning to Hong Kong.

"I have declined the park's proposed compensation plan, as it is unfair to me. If the accident had been slightly more severe, I could have lost my life.

"After the accident, I discovered that a similar accident has been happened in the same park before already.

"I believe the park's irresponsible attitude towards visitors is unacceptable, safety is the most critical concern of every visitor."

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